Writing Frames
How will the learning path be evaluated and developed?
Lesson Mentoring
Lesson mentoring is a valuable way to get feedback on your teaching. Sit in on each other’s lessons if there is an opportunity to do so.
Teachers need feedback about their own teaching and its effect on the students. They need the appreciation of colleagues and a realistic challenge to enable them to develop further. When observing, make sure you are a critical friend and identify what worked well and what will need to change.Prepare an observation catalogue for the lesson mentoring session, e.g.
- Did the lesson achieve the objectives identified?
- What has proven successful from the point of view of organisation, methods and procedures?
- What areas need to be revised?
Notes on How to Conduct the Lesson Mentoring Session:- Make a note of no more than two observation tasks for the team members,
- Draw up an observation record during the lesson mentoring session and subsequently try to find answers to your questions.
- Evaluate the lesson mentoring session as a team.
YOUR TURN: Action Plan Part 3: Reflection - Lesson and Learning Path Evaluation
Reflection is an important aspect of teaching and learning. Analyzing your pedagogy and curriculum, thinking about how and why successes or failures occurred, are a few items that lead to improvements in your teaching. Go to your Action Plan and complete Part 3.
When you have completed all three sections of your action plan, check with your facilitator on the venue for submission for certification.
How will participants re-purpose and redevelop the learning pathway for its next use as the process goes full circle.
If you would like to continue working as a team in order to implement further projects, you may find the following questions helpful:
- Do we complement one another as a team?
- Was enough recognition given to the specialist interests of the subjects involved?
- What approaches and starting points does our lesson offer?
- In a further project, would it be useful to build in a group of pupils especially for documentation of the project?
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