• General

    Learning stations

    • What skills will be required to plan and implement the Learning Path?

      Both students and teachers must be able to work with peers, share information, think critically and learn from colleagues at the same time as they are being teachers themselves for them, assuming that perhaps they are not totally right and have to change their mind.
    • How will it work in the classroom?

      Children will explore and investigate the main ideas chosen linked to the curricula and subject plans.

    • Resource Requirements

      What technical or resource requirements will there be? This project will last about 21 days, as it is the time necessary to internalize a healthy habit routine.

      You can see in the movie above

      To develop this learning plan it will be necessary: On one hand, essential resources:

      computers (one per group) where students can search for information, work on graphics, create the interview, …Internet will be necessary.

      a classroom with enough space where students can work as a whole class or in groups.

      Red Cross participation explaining students benefits of having healthy habits

      Different resources and materials where students can find information about healthy habits, besides internet.

      On the other hand, optional resources:

      Relaxation music for the therapy.


      Crafts materials.

    Learning Path Forum

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