Habitable Planet
What skills will be required to plan and implement the Learning Path?
Multimedia presentatios, Word processing, Desktop publishing
What teacher skills will be required to implement the Learning Path?
- Innovative learning methods, knowledge about inquiry and problem based approcah
- Knowledge of Crossdiscplinary& Interdisciplinary intsructional design
- Digital competence to make the students use the online tools in the classroom.
- Infromation, media and technology skill
- Skills of design, manage the learning path to foster collaboraation, communication, innovation and critical thinking among students.
- Knowledge of product and process oriented assessment. Knowing how to adapt the form of summative and formative assessmnet according to the expected outcomes of the learners.
What additional skills will the teacher learn?
- Teacher from different disiplines will have close contact and match their topics and activities to support their teaching constantly.
- All teachers will learn the 6 steps of the Problem Based Teaching to design their lessons.
- Langauge teachers will have background knowledge about 5E model.
- Science and langauge teachers will learn how to support the digital story telling process through feeding the students with the content of the climate change.
- Science teacher should will be able to learn how to use KWL chart http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KWL_table as a warmer and evalutiaon tools.
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Part 1: Lesson Plan Template
Part 2: Classroom Implementation
Part 3: Reflection - Lesson and Learning Path Evaluation
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