Habitable Planet
About the Learning Path
The learning path was designed for the teenagers between 13- 15 years old including the science, language and ICT lessons. The main topic is the atmospheric pressure including the topics about temperature, climate and weather changes. Each discipline will cover the temperature, climate & weather changes and end of the lesson students will be able to create their projects (digital story telling) through working collaboratively. The learning path is based on Problem Based Learning to reinforce the problem solving skills through creating a product to find the practical solutions to protect their environment.
- Problem Based Learning & 5E Model in Language Learning http://www.education.vic.gov.au/school/teachers/support/pages/e5.aspx.
In Problem Based Learning teachers will follow six simple steps (define the problem, plan the strategies, find & collect information, use information, build the product and share and evaluate the final product) (for more: http://www.slideshare.net/vlambri/six-simple-steps-to-pbl-presentation)
- Engages students in a problem situation, real world problems in purposeful collaboration.
- Organizes holistic problem, enabling student learning in relevant and connected ways.
- Creates a learning environment in which teachers coach student thinking and guide student inquiry, facilitating deeper levels of understanding. (for more: http://www.mtoliveboe.org/Page/207 )
Problem Based Learning 5E LEARNING
Students will be able to (SWBAT)
- Explore the potential impacts on climate & weather changes.
- Examine the science behind climate & weather changes through finding the solutions to the problems & questions posed in the class.
- Show their sensitivity towards environmental changes to raise the awareness of others (friends, parents etc.)
- Improve their problem solving skills through finding the practical solutions to protect their environment.
- Learn how to work collaboratively through improving the strategies to collect, organize, create and publish their project.
- Disseminate their project (digital stories) by using the online media.
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