Peace is possible
How will it work in the classroom?
How does the Learning Path link to curricula and subject plans?
What steps will be required to reach the learning outcomes?
The first lesson begins with the symbols for peace and the teacher asks the students what they mean and why were they chosen to represent the peace. (the goal is to make students curious and aware of the upcomming topic). Then we can use a news review from the latest news. The students have to point out the main issues and relate them to the the question "Is peace possible?"
Steps to acheieve the goals:
- Students are devided in groups of 5 We assign each group to search and locate on the google map/ map box the most remarkable conflicts over the past century and the most peaceful theretories, using Wikipedia and cooperating with google drive. The regions that we've chosen are:
- Europe
- Middle East
- Russia and other parts of Asia
- Africa
- North, Central, South America and Australia
2. We assign each group to analyze different kinds of conflicts
- religious conflict – Bosnia and Herzegovina
- ethnical conflict – Central African tribes
- historical – Israel and Palestine
- economical – Independence of the USA
- political – Egypt/Syria/ Libya
Students have to point out the reasons for the rise of the conlict and state the positions of both sides.To collect and analyze different sorts of information they can use, youtube ; students can interview their parents, looking for real testimonies of some conflicts – they can be added to the information we’ve got from other resources.
Students should also make a timeline with the most important moments of the conflict giving this way a historical overview of the problem.
At the end of the project they should point out the negative consequences of the conflicts using all resources and, etc. Most importantly they have to show ways of maintaining peace or solving some of the problems these conflicts bring.
We would like to give the teams the freedom of choosing the way the would like to present their final projects (as long as it is related to the theme and visualizes their idea, the form of the project isn't as important as its content). Students can use for example,, moviemaker, online storytelling etc.
As our final goal is to make students active and aware of the negative results of conflicts we can include a theme that concerns the organizations and institutions that manage conflicts and the negative consequences of them. We can participate in different programms - for example the UN refugee organization and take actual part in solving of some of the problems.
At the end students have to evaluate the geographical and historical, economical or political reasons for some regions to remain peaceful most of the time
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