Digital Storytelling in the Classroom
What skills will be required to plan and implement the Learning Path?
What teacher skills will be required to implement the Learning Path?
Participants are expected to have a basic knowledge of how to use a Web browser (Firefox, Safari, Chrome, for example), navigate a computer system (saving files, attaching files), and a fundamental knowledge of basic applications such as word processing. The use of digital cameras will be helpful.
Additional Teacher Skills: Collaborating with your Peers
Formation of Work Teams
“Teamwork! Why? I’d rather work alone!”
Before you decide that, please consider the following: teamwork, regardless of how loaded with conflict it may sometimes be, has its attractions, similar to those in a partnership. The team offers security and protection. It offers communication and exchange and, due to the strength of the community, helps if individuals have problems. It inspires or it provides food for thought.
You can also work with teachers from other schools.You are also modeling what you can have your students do in the classroom. All the benefits you find to group work also transfers to the classroom.
Considerations about Teambuilding
Who should you work with in the team? Who can you imagine yourself with easily? Have some colleagues have sprung to mind?
Assignment: Build a Work Team
- Build a work team with at least three participants because teamwork also means work sharing. There are several possibilities for your planned project:
1st possibility: You work jointly on a teaching topic.
2nd possibility: You develop the supporting materials jointly for different teaching topics.- Appoint a coordinator for your group, who will prepare a form that lists the group assignments and due dates for all team members and will set up your group forum.
- Discuss your results of your lesson once you implemented it and give ideas for revision.
Time Planning
For trouble-free progression of all details, it is important from the beginning to be clear about when each individual piece of preliminary work must be initiated.
Carry out time planning jointly. Make a note of significant milestones for your work planning.
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