Electricity from Windmills
About the Learning Path
Ideas behind the potential use of the learning path
This learning path covers electrical concepts: induction and generators. A magnet moving by a wire or a wire moving by a magnet induces electrons to move. This is electricity generation. The number of turns in a coil, the strength of a magnet, the speed of the movement can influence this generation.
The learning path covers engineering in that a device is built to supply energy. This uses simple materials such as a small plastic cup, pieces of wood, thin insulated copper wire, strong magnets, a stiff piece of wire, a nut, a LED, and a straw. A fan is used to spin the windmill.
The learning path covers scientific concepts: transformation of energy--mechanical to electrical, work (J), force (N), and power (W). It also covers some mathematical concepts to determine work and power.
The learning path also provides information about relevant uses of windmill turbines that are used for the generation of electricity throughout the world as well as RAM Air Turbines (RAT) which provide emergency power for aircraft if they lose the use of their engines.
The learning path covers using technology as students create a glog using instructions found on http://tehescmarts.edu.glogster.com/free-glog/.
Glog that parallels this learning path.
This glog includes links to videos, pictures, and websites. Clicking on the windmill on the top right corner links to Intel Advanced Online. Included are worksheets, a list of materials and instructions for the windmill generator,
A glog on how to make a glog.
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